Zoom participation via index cards!
There I was on the "Dreaming Up 5781" group page on Facebook, when Aviva Fellman asked (on June 21), "As we are coming back to "normal," what changes have you made to the service (Shabbat morning specifically) that you are wanting, trying, or will maintain?"
Part of my response was that our congregation is too small and broke to continue to pay a non-Jewish staff member to host a Zoom for the handful of people who might still want it.
I was pleasantly surprised to receive a Direct Message on Facebook inviting our congregation to join another small congregation and create a joint Zoom service on Friday night. When I replied that we couldn't be of much help because we rarely got more than three people, including the cantor (which is why we didn't set up a Friday-night Zoom service), my correspondent graciously invited us to come anyway.
So there were my husband and me, enjoying the Zoom hospitality of Rabbi Winston Weilheimer and Congregation Beth Shalom of Orange City in Florida when we saw something we'd never seen before in over a year of Zooming into other synagogues for services--the congregants had index cards with words from the prayers already written on them, and the rabbi was encouraging them to show their cards onscreen. When he sang "Lecha Dodi," they held up cards saying "Lecha," then other cards saying "Dodi." There were lots of "Shabbat" and "Shalom" cards, even the occasional "Hashkiveinu," and, of course, a whole pre-printed choir of "Amen." :)
The rabbi even gave us a special treat--since his synagogue is near Orlando, he sang Adom Olam to the tune of the Disney World song, "It's a Small World After All." :) Many thanks for a delightful Erev Shabbat service.